test sequencer / real-time / high-speed / high-accuracy
10ns steps | SATURN Sequencer
INO Group

Other characteristics:
real-time, high-speed, high-accuracy, programmable, with timer
The SATURN Sequencer provides a reliable control unit ("TIMER") for test and measurement labs. It enables precisely timed control of switches, contactors, relays, IGBTs, MOSFETs etc. with a step width of only 10ns and <50ns reaction time.
The SATURN Sequencer is available in different sizes (16, 32 or 64 inputs/outputs). In addition to standard BNC connectors also fiber-optic inputs and outputs are available. This makes it the ideal solution as HV sequencer for high voltage tests in high power labs. In addition it also allows spanning large distances between control unit and the test object.
The individual sequence steps, input triggers and corresponding output patterns are being configured using a convenient graphical user interface and are being downloaded onto the real time control unit with a simple mouse click.
Main specification:
- 10ns step width, 20ppm accuracy via independent clock source
- <50ns reaction on external events
- 16, 32 or 64 inputs/outputs
- BNC connectors or fiber optic cable
(selectable in groups of 8 inputs/outputs)
- supports synchronization with externally supplied input signal
(e.g. generator frequency 16 2/3Hz .. 50Hz .. 60Hz .. 400Hz ..)
- Resolution 1/100 degree and better
- supports control sequences with loops and branches via
easy-to-use graphical configuration software (Windows™ based)
- Operating System independent clock and sequence processor
- LED input/output control and emergency stop
- recording of input and output signals in data files
- optionally available: integrated uninterruptible power supply (UPS)